Continued Game Migration into the LibGDX Framework

Grass Details and Edges Working Again
Grass Details and Edges Working Again

Over this week I continued working on getting the project to work in the LibGDX framework. I encountered a lot of problems with sprite rotation that I was using for shooting arrows and would probably use quite a bit in the future. But after many hours I did figure out what I was doing wrong. Basically, it came down to the way I was rendering did not handle the rotation so even though I was processing the rotation it would not show it. I still may have some errors with the shooting but for now it is good enough.

Map Generation:

After figuring out those problems I continued working on getting the map tiles back to where they were in the previous project. I have everything done but the mountains and the water. But I figured I am going to be animated the water tiles, so I don’t really need to complete that now. I can skip it and implement the animated tiles. This week I need to get the mountains and the mobs spawning in correctly.


Over the last couple of days, I started working on the rabbit mob. I encountered some issues with the way the animation is handled. Once I got the movement working, I realized the way I created the animation would not work. Each rabbit needs its own animation. I set up just one and it made it so all the rabbits would move but follow the same animation. They looked like they were skating on ice. It looked funny but was not going to work. I am hoping that over the next day or so I can get them working correctly. Then I will be back to where I was for the most part.

Tree Spawning and Future Work:

Trees Rendering Again
Trees Rendering Again. Entity sorting still needs to be done

I also worked on spawning trees back in this week. I did not run into too many problems getting that to work. Soon I will need to work on sorting the entities though, so they don’t render like they are floating. Once I finish the mountains and the mobs everything should be back to where it was. My goal is to have it all done this week. After that I would like to work on a noise function to produce better looking sprite placement for trees and grass. I think that is the next big step for this project. Then of course I need to add in more animals to make the game feel alive. Hopefully all will go well. Until next time.

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