Migration to LibGDX Framework Complete

Mountains Working Again
Two layers of mountains are procedurally generating into the world.

This week I was able to complete coding everything from my previous version into the new LibGDX version. So, now I should be able to start implementing new things.  I was able to get two layers of mountains procedurally generating again in the game world.  There are still a few bugs where I am not checking some special cases but overall, it is looking pretty good.  Additionally, I was able to fix the rabbit animation problems I was having from the previous week. 

 I recently made a list of the next items on my list to work on.  It is very long but I would like to start working on attack animations and sprites.  Then I would like to work on adding an inventory system and an item system.  I would also like to work on animated tiles to make the world look more alive.  Every week I seem to talk about working on a noise algorithm for placing objects around the world better,  but I keep putting that on hold.  Hopefully, I can start working on that soon as well. 

Hopefully the next post will have something more interesting to talk about. I spent most of my time this week working on fixing unexpected bugs and getting everything working as good as or better than before. I am looking forward to starting work on the next pieces of the project.

On the end of the post every week I am going add a list of changes that I made during the week and add them to the end of the post.

Full Change List:

  • Fixed Bug: particle spawner had a null pointer exception because there was no sprite for the spawner.  (put spawners into a new type of entity called non render entities) 
  • Fixed Bug: particle spawner not removed during cleanup after it is used. (Empty object was still in memory)
  • Fixed: Rabbit movement animations.  Each rabbit needed its own copy of the animation sprites.
  • Implemented: Mountain Tiles have been added to the game world. (2 layers)
  • Code change: Moved Rendering into each class.  Many calls instead of one giant one.
  • Code change: Created a class for levels.  Moved a lot of the level data out of the game class.
  • Implemented: Entity Sorting for rendering.
  • Fixed Bug: Entity Sorting crashing when sorting Trees.  (Trees at same y height caused the crash)

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